Friday, July 8, 2011

Marathon Training and Therapeutic Massage

One of my most loyal groups of clients at Catalyst are marathon runners.  Many articles have been written in running magazines on the importance of pairing massage with your marathon training regimen.  A marathon represents a huge investment of time, emotion, and funds.  If you are completely committed to getting across the finish line, then an investment in regular Therapeutic Massage is essential.  There are a few ways in which Therapeutic Massage are critical to your training:

Massage helps to identify problems before they become injuries.  Getting a Sports Massage from a well-trained, experienced therapist is very important, especially at the early phases of training, even if nothing is bothering you.  Endurance running is like taking a spotlight and shining it on even the tiniest issue.  Even a minor joint imbalance, when pounded repeatedly will become inflamed and problematic.  A common example:  I can almost always tell which leg clients cross on top of the other because it causes a slight imbalance pattern in the back and pelvis.  Where this might not normally cause any symptoms in a client, as they progress through marathon training, they will almost certainly experience moderate to severe pain down the side of their hip, and likely into their IT band and outer calf.

Massage keeps injuries at bay.  By the time some clients are doing their long runs at the end of their training, they are really struggling to stay ahead of an injury.  Sometimes a case of plantar fasciitis just won’t quit, an Achilles tendon is really inflamed, an IT band is burning at mile 15, or so forth.  At this point, when there has been so much blood, sweat, and tears poured into training, and all that the runner wants is to get across the finish line, Therapeutic Massage can help.  Although rest is advisable, and preferred, if you need to push ahead, a Sports Therapist can sometimes keep you Scotch-taped together long enough to get you there.  Obviously, treating more in the earlier phases will keep you healthier in the later phases of training.

Massage speeds recovery.  A post-event massage is the best possible option to help you recover quickly.  This type of massage should be optimally received within 24 hours and up to 48 hours following the marathon and is completely different than massage you receive at any other time.  It is much lighter in pressure, and involves repeated flushing strokes designed to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and remove excess lactic acid and metabolic waste buildup in the tissues.  Receiving a post-event massage will dramatically affect your soreness in the days following your marathon.

Legend has is that the original marathon was run in 490 B.C., by the Greek Soldier Pheidippides, who arrived to deliver his message, “Victory!”, and then dropped dead.  26.2 miles is a really, really long way!  Bodies need help to get there.  Therapeutic Massage is absolutely critical to every phase of marathon training.